AI-Powered Podcasting for Frontline Teams

Leadership Updates

With Chat by Storyboard, your teams can hear every important message even when they’re on-the-go. Upload All-Hands recordings and allow your employees who missed the meeting to tune in from anywhere.

Podcast - Leadership (4)
Podcast - Analytics (3)

Team Messages

Send weekly updates, relevant business news, and team introductions with ease. Chat’s analytics also provide peace of mind by tracking when messages have been heard.

Leadership Interviews

Share important conversations, thought leadership sessions, and company vision sessions without disruptive meetings, through Chat’s podcasting tool, it’s never been easier to keep employees informed.

Podcast - Leadership-2
Podcast - Microlearning (2)


Frontline employees can learn on the go with bite-sized training sessions—from sales strategies to product updates and customer service skill sharing.


Automatic translations ensure your team connects to content while feeling a sense of belonging, no matter their preferred language.

Podcast - Microlearning w Translation

Ready to empower your team?