Less Distracted and Faster Journeys

With Chat by Storyboard, all your frontline workers can send and receive messages on the road with ease and less distraction. Respond immediately to customer service concerns and resolve issues with quick, efficient, and less distracted driver communications.

Always Hands-Free

Chat by Storyboard removes distractions while keeping service technicians informed. Fewer stops, fewer accidents, more time and cost saving.

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FS Translations

No More Language Barriers

It’s now easier to hire more diverse teams with simple to use translation tools. Service technicians and operations teams can feel a deeper sense of connection and belonging when nothing’s lost in translation.

Community Management

It’s simple to record all messages with Chat by Storyboard. Administration efforts are minimal when new employees join or former employees leave, allowing easy control over who hears what, when.

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Ready to empower your team?